Useful information videos about Foster Care

We have compiled a selection of useful informational videos to help answer all of the common questions regarding Foster Care and its process.

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What is Community based Foster Care ?

Steps to becoming a Foster Carer  

Why do children come into Foster Care?

What is the process for kids coming into care?  

Why does it take so long to become a carer ?

How does trauma affect children in care?

Keeping family contact

Advice to a Carer

Types of Foster Care

What is a self assessment?

Can I be a foster carer? What restrictions are there?

What support is available for foster carers?

Every Child Deserves A Champion

Once I am an approved foster carer, how much support will I receive?

Once approved to become a carer, will that approval last forever?

What is the process I go through to become a carer?

How do you know that a child or young person is right for my family?

Why are more young people coming into care?

The Difference An Adult Can Make