To help Foster Care children reach their full potential

Self Assesment

Do you want to make a big difference in the lives of children?

We currently have specialised positions available to the right person, or couple, to support children reach their potential.

Self Assessment


contact us at one of our locations


Fostercare North Queensland Location Fostercare Sunshine Coast Location


Be part of the solution – become a foster parent.

Foster carers play a vital role in our community, providing a safe and nurturing home to children and young people who cannot live with their birth family. IFYS foster Care is proud to have been providing foster care services to children and young people, in the care of the Department of Child Safety, since 1992.

Become A Foster Carer

Foster care is temporary care of children by trained, assessed and accredited foster carers. Children and young people requiring foster care can be of any age (up to 18 years), and can come from various cultural, religious, and socio-economic backgrounds. 

All over Queensland everyday people are opening their hearts and their homes to children and young people who cannot live with their families, but many more foster carers are needed. 

Foster carers change lives—both the children’s and their own. They play a critical role in helping children who have been separated from their birth parents, because of abuse and neglect, to heal.  Foster carers are also critical partners in our efforts to reunify children with their parents or to find an alternate permanent family arrangement. Being a foster carer is definitely challenging – but the reward is seeing the difference your nurturing care makes for a child.

Each year thousands of children and young people enter the foster care system in Queensland. Foster carers play a crucial role in their lives and can help ensure that these children thrive in the world.

Foster carers provide a safe, loving, and nurturing temporary home for children in foster care. As a foster carer, you will become a member of a team who is working to assure the well-being of the child. The team consists of the child, the child's family, the agency caseworker, the foster family, and the Department Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services.

At IFYS Foster Care a caseworker will be assigned to work with you throughout the child's stay in your home. We will provide opportunities to attend special training sessions throughout the year. Joining our foster care support group is a good way to get advice and assistance from other experienced foster parents.