IFYS Foster Care
We support the needs of children and young people, from birth to 18, who are unable to live at home for a range of reasons. IFYS is committed to ensuring that children and young people in our care are reunited with their families.
As all children and young people are different and have unique needs, so is the kind of care and support that is needed. Our carers come from a range of backgrounds and life experiences and provide emergency, respite, short, medium and long term care, dependent upon their individual commitments and choices.
Meet Superhero Jenny
Jenny was eight years old when she entered the foster care system. Jenny probably wasn't the most well behaved child when she came into care, but she was still a Superhero in the making. After five years of foster care Jenny eventually ended up in a youth detention center and understandably, it was a reasonable assupmtion that her future could have been pretty grim once she left care.
Now volunteering as a Deputy Group Leader with the State Emergency Service in Bundaberg and a foster carer herself, Jenny knows that a positive and loving family who supported her through those difficult years, made her the person she is today. At IFYS we recognise that it is carers such as these who play a direct role in raising another one of our community's Superheroes.