IFYS Foster Care
We support the needs of children and young people, from birth to 18, who are unable to live at home for a range of reasons. IFYS is committed to ensuring that children and young people in our care are reunited with their families.
As all children and young people are different and have unique needs, so is the kind of care and support that is needed. Our carers come from a range of backgrounds and life experiences and provide emergency, respite, short, medium and long term care, dependent upon their individual commitments and choices.
Meet Superhero Michael
Michael Coleman did not have a good start in life. It could be said that his experience mirrored that of many of the over 43,000* children living out-of-home care in Australia today. By seven or eight years of age Michael had witnessed domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse, and his mother's poor mental health - the latter eventually forcing him into the foster care system.
Though only in care for a short period of time it was enough to show Michael that there was another way of living and he could make different choices as he grew up. We therefore tip our hats to Michael's foster parents whose influence, though short, was obviously profound. Today Michael is a police officer and he qualifies as another one of our community's superhoeros.